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WestPACS Warrior Awards

WestPACS recognized Heather Balas and Coralyn McCauley, the 2020 WestPACS Warriors Award Recipients, who, according to WestPACS, "have tirelessly continued to create and build to make WestPACS a reality for the member schools and their students." Two years later, Heather and Coralyn finally both received their awards in person and were acknowledged at the fair on March 9, 2022. They have been congratulated for their hard work and dedication to this organization and their continued efforts have been much



About PennACE

Our Vision: To be the premier statewide professional association of choice for career and recruitment professionals. 


Our Mission: A collaborative organization that provides professional growth and networking opportunities for career development and recruitment professionals to enhance practices that benefit  Pennsylvania college and university students and graduates.

Learn about the benefits of PennACE membership.

© 2018 PennACE

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