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President's Message

Hello PennACE members! I am sorry that I was not able to be with you in person at the conference in Hershey. I hope you all had a wonderful time and gained some new perspective on how your individual offices operate. I know you enjoyed each other’s company and I’m certain got PLENTY of chocolate!

I encourage you, if you have not already, to become even more engaged with this organization. For new and old PennACE members alike, please consider a future spot on the board or on one of our many committees. It is a great way to further your

involvement with this worthwhile organization. Committees include:

  • Annual Conference Committee

  • JoAnne Day Student of the Year Committee

  • Grants Committee

  • Professional Development Committee

  • Employer Relations Committee

  • Certification Committee

In addition, please keep your eye on your emails for summer employer visit opportunities and other updates.

Thank you for your support of this organization and your continued contributions to ensure it’s endurance and success. As my time comes to a close with PennACE, I am grateful for the many opportunities and friendships made. In my time with PennACE, I have gained valuable knowledge that I will carry throughout my career. I thank you for entrusting me with a position on the PennACE Board, I hope that I served you well.

Until we meet again,

Kate Labriola-Gorentz

About PennACE

Our Vision: To be the premier statewide professional association of choice for career and recruitment professionals. 


Our Mission: A collaborative organization that provides professional growth and networking opportunities for career development and recruitment professionals to enhance practices that benefit  Pennsylvania college and university students and graduates.

Learn about the benefits of PennACE membership.

© 2018 PennACE

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