Recognize Your Fellow PennACE Members
It is time to nominate a deserving PennACE member! Do you know someone that has made outstanding contributions to PennACE? We are looking for nominees for our annual awards!
The Donna Dentler Service Award is presented by the Executive Board to PennACE members who have provided outstanding service to the association. Any PennACE member may nominate another current or retired PennACE member. Self-nominations are also accepted. The Award will be presented publicly at the Annual Conference. The Donna Dentler Service Award was created by PaCCS (Pennsylvania College Career Services Association) in 1991 to recognize the outstanding organizational and professional services of a PaCCS member. The first award was received by Donna Dentler of Messiah College.
To nominate a PennACE member for this award, please complete the online nomination form Nomination deadline is April 30th.
The Keystone Award is presented to a PennACE member who has made contributions to and been actively involved in the association within the first three years of membership...a keystone to the future of PennACE! The current executive board selects the winner.
To nominate a deserving PennACE member, please complete the online nomination form Nomination deadline is April 30th.
The PennACE Excellence Award was established in 2022 to recognize the contributions of our members to better the career development and employer relationships of our students, alumni and employees. Any PennACE member can nominate another for recognition for their work - at their company/institution, for the career development and recruitment fields, or for PennACE itself. Nominees will be announced prior to the annual conference and the winners will be announced at our annual business meeting each year.
To nominate a deserving PennACE member, please complete the online nomination form Nomination deadline is April 30th.
Donna Dentler Service Award Recipients include:
2023: None
2022: Dr. John Rindy, Slippery Rock University
2021: None
2020: Diana Brush, Clarion University
2019: Krissie Doppelheuer, California University of Pennsylvania
2018: Heather Balas, Mercyhurst University
Keystone Award Recipients
2023: None
2022: Lauren Fagan, University of Pittsburgh
2021: None
2020: Nathan Nitczynski, Mercyhurst University
2019: Kelsey Thompson, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
2018: Lesli Talley (Somerset), Chatham University & Lauren Watson, Pennsylvania State University
PennACE Excellence Award Recipients
2023: None
2022: established