We Gave Away Money
…but we still have some left. Congratulations to Indiana University of Pennsylvania for being awarded two PennACE grants totaling $750. The funds will be used to support a Professional Panel Series and a program entitled Coffee and Career Connections. Come to the PennACE conference in May to learn more about these engaging programs and how the funds were used.
The grants committee has $1,250 remaining in their budget to be awarded for the 2022-2023 grant year. However, time is running out to submit a proposal from your school. The deadline for proposals to be received for this budget year is March 1, 2023. Guidelines for grant proposals can be found here. Please submit your proposal to stevehassinger@centralpenn.edu for him to share with the grants committee for review. In the words of George Bernard Shaw, “Don’t wait for the right opportunity: create it.”
