Updates from the Membership
Bethany Gary, Assistant Director and Career Consultant at Duquesne University, has started the Clinical Mental Health Counseling (M.S.) program at Duquesne University this fall.
Grove City College Career Services Office hired a new Associate Director of Employer Relations, Ian Harris. Ian is returning to his alma mater after serving in the U.S. Air Force as well as working with Kansas City Security overseeing Supply Chain and Logistics. He and his wife Susan and 4 children will be relocating to the western PA region from Kansas City, MO. Renee Coyne shared they are so excited to have him join their team and become involved in the region’s professional development organizations.
Chatham University Interns Ranked as Highly Competitive in new report. Mercy Nyoni, Graduate Associate for the Internship Program in the Center for Career Development at Chatham University found the key strength of interns based on employer assessments. Click here to access the full report and it's findings.
Chatham University welcomes their new Assistant Director of Employer Relations, Josh Zeigler. Josh is excited to join the team sharing; “I'm super excited to finally get my feet on firm ground in the Career world! I'm equally excited to meet all the amazing professionals in the area!”
