Thank You for Your Student of the Year Submissions

Thank you for promoting the JoAnne Day Student of the Year Award to your students! The application deadline has passed, but note that the remaining timeline for the program is as follows:
Oct.12-15: Applicant eligibility verification by chairperson and selection materials packets prepared for committee
Oct. 18 – Nov. 3: Application materials reviewed by the selection committee
Nov. 5: Award recipients notified by telephone on or by this date
Nov. 15: Deadline for recipients to submit a headshot and optional photo(s) of themselves at their internship/co-op site
December: Plaques and checks presented to the recipient by their respective campus career center
Feb. 2022: Recipients will be featured in an article in the PennACE Newsletter
May 2022: Recipients will be announced at the PennACE Conference (Note: Recipients will not be expected to attend the conference)
Please direct any questions to Diana Brush, Student of the Year Committee Chairperson to