Membership Updates

New Member Login Look
Hello PennACE colleagues! As many of you are aware and per Krissie's update, we upgraded MemberClicks (our current PennACE website platform) at the end of the summer. During this time our membership data was migrated into the new site. With this new version, it’s possible that everything transitioned smoothly, but it’s also possible that we may run into some glitches. If something’s not quite right, or you can’t seem to figure out a specific feature of your membership — please just let me know!
Staffing Updates
With any new academic year often comes staffing changes and transitions. If you have bid farewell to a team member who held a PennACE membership or if you have welcomed someone new whom you would like to benefit from PennACE membership, please take a moment to contact me with those updates to ensure your institution’s membership accounts are current.
Questions? Have ideas? Need assistance?
Feel free to contact Chad Ganley, Membership Chair, at or 610-683-4071