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IUP CPDC Team Update

IUP is in a season of major change and our Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC) is experiencing its fair share of this change. So, in that regard, we wanted to share some updates regarding shifts on our team:

  • Sheila Gardner, who served as an office administrator, has secured a position as a navigator at IUP. The navigator role essentially encompasses student and academic success advising.

  • Audrey Patterson, who also served as an office administrator, has been moved back to the campus post office and has some added duties at the campus print center.

  • Dr. Bill Zimmerman has been moved to fulfill one of the navigator positions and fortunately, he's able to continue in his role (on a part-time basis) as Assistant Director for Employer Engagement through the end of this semester.

  • Tammy Mason joined our team on a part-time basis to provide administrative support and office management; she also works with our University College.

  • Jeremy Risinger joined our team on a part-time basis to work in a variety of capacities, including some employer engagement work and some event coordination work among other things as he also continues his role as Assistant Director for Student Success in the University College.

As it stands now, Tammy and Jeremy's work with us is a stopgap until a more permanent solution can be determined. We certainly wish Sheila, Audrey, and Bill all the best as they continue their work at IUP in different ways, and we're incredibly thankful for Bill's continued dedication and great work on behalf of CPDC through fall 2023. We're also happy to have Tammy and Jeremy join our team -- they've been fantastic additions! Hoping all who read this are doing well!

Tammy Manko

Director of the IUP Career and Professional Development Center


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