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Message from the President

Hello PennACE members. I want to first thank you all for my time as president, as my term is quickly coming to an end. I have enjoyed working with this year’s board and each member. Unfortunately we had to navigate how to move forward with our events in this time of great uncertainty. I was saddened by the cancellation of the in person conference, but I am delighted that we are able to offer some virtual events.

I look forward to seeing you all in person soon.

Jenelle Henry

About PennACE

Our Vision: To be the premier statewide professional association of choice for career and recruitment professionals. 


Our Mission: A collaborative organization that provides professional growth and networking opportunities for career development and recruitment professionals to enhance practices that benefit  Pennsylvania college and university students and graduates.

Learn about the benefits of PennACE membership.

© 2018 PennACE

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