Adaptive Communication Opportunity

Looking for a Professional Development opportunity?
Ever heard of Adaptive Communication?
Pam Baker from Journeous says, “The Process Communication Model or PCM is an innovative tool that enables people to understand, resolve conflict, and motivate and communicate effectively with others regardless of background, demographic, age or education attainment. PCM is about mastering adaptive communication which allows people to create positive personal connections by providing the skills to uniquely individualize their communication with those around them. By understanding others’ way of thinking, adaptive communication provides a reliable method that supports efficient, productive and enjoyable interactions.”
Here are some identifiers that signal that Adaptive Communication is a good fit:
Resilience is a challenge within the organization and change management initiatives have had limited impact
Resources and processes are being duplicated within the organization
Rework is a frequent occurrence due to misunderstandings or mistakes
In higher ed, resources provided to students are being underutilized, or students get different messages from different departments
Turnover is a challenge and along with it the cost of re-recruitment and new hire onboarding and training
Teams' priorities aren't aligned leading to duplicative or conflicting projects and activities
If you’re interested in finding out more, contact Pam Baker with Journeous at