Outstanding PennACE Members

Every year we invite you to nominate members for our annual awards. Congratulations to this year’s recipients, Kelsey Thompson and Krissie Doppelheuer.
The Keystone Award is for members in their first three years of membership who have been actively involved in the organization. This year the award was presented to Kelsey Thompson of Indiana University of Pennsylvania.
Kelsey became a member as a graduate student and immediately immersed herself in the organization. She served as a presenter during that first year as well as co-chaired the Conference Exhibitors Committee with me and another graduate student. She’s continued to be involved in meaningful ways with PennACE from serving as a presenter again in 2017 to sitting on the Program and Speakers Committee that same year. From there, she’s taken on the board of directors’ role of Membership Chair this year. She not only gets involved, she stays involved and makes worthwhile contributions to the conference, to membership and board discussions (including strategic planning), and to the organization overall to ensure the solid future of PennACE.
The Donna Dentler Service Award is presented to a member who has provided outstanding service to our organization. This year the award was presented to Krissie Doppelheuer of California University of Pennsylvania.
Krissie is actively involved in our profession as a member of PennACE, the Pittsburgh Education Recruitment Consortium, and the Western PA Career Services Association. She is consistently pleasant, collegial, and collaborative. She will pitch in wherever needed and doesn’t hesitate to do behind-the-scenes work with a smile on her face and never seeking credit. She’s smart, kind, fun, and knowledgeable about our field.