Professional Development Hopes to Bring You What You Want

The Professional Development Committee has received a lot of wonderful ideas for ways that PennACE can enhance the member experience through year-round professional development. Here are the most popular topics that we will try to reach over the next year:
Online and technology uses in the office and in student programming
Best practices and trends
Employer panel focusing on their hiring practices and weaknesses of candidates
Campus collaboration ideas to work with faculty and other offices
Programming for special populations
Student engagement and marketing
We also have had a lot of interest in a web-hosted place that is secure and can be a place to share ideas and best practices while providing networking opportunities, in creating a mentoring program for newer members and those new to the field, webinars throughout the year that are free to our members, and more regional programming throughout the year.
We have our work cut out for us, but we are excited to provide these opportunities and resources to you in the coming months!
If you have an idea for professional development, please contact Heather Balas, Professional Development Chair at