Time to renew!

March 31 is the most common membership expiration date. If this is when your current membership expires, please be sure to renew at www.pennace.info prior to the expiration date to ensure that you don’t have any trouble logging in or registering for the conference at the member rate. You will receive an automated email reminder 30 days prior.
Perks of Being a PennACE-er
There are so many benefits of being part of PennACE, including the following:
Save money with discounted rates for the annual conference and professional development events
Apply for grants for your organization
Participate in various committees and board positions
Nominate your students for the annual Student of the Year awards
View and post to the job board
Communicate with the entire PennACE community via the ListServ
Currently, our membership includes 135 members representing 46 different higher education institutions and 6 different employers. Please encourage colleagues to consider membership with PennACE so that they too can enjoy the benefits. We would especially like to see more student and employer representation!
Board Opportunity
The Membership Chair position is one of several board positions up for re-election for the 2018-2020 term. It’s an excellent opportunity to get more involved with PennACE and further connect with this wonderful community of professionals. Please contact current Membership Chair Lauren Watson if you would like to learn more about the role.
Need help updating or adding memberships? Not sure of your organization’s membership status? Other questions? Contact Lauren Watson, Membership Chair at lmw268@psu.edu.