Join the PennACE Board of Directors

PennACE is looking for a few good board members! And we think it could be YOU! After serving on the PennACE board for several years, I can say from experience that it is a wonderful opportunity that all members should consider. There are a variety of positions to meet your interests and quarterly meetings to connect and get support for your efforts. Two meetings are held in person and two via conference call so the commitment is very reasonable. Some benefits of board service include:
Developing connections with career and employer colleagues across the state (and we all know career and employment professionals are the BEST!)
Building your resume with professional service and potentially developing new skills and experiences
Annual Conference registration fee waived
I hope you will give consideration to a board position for 2018-19. Be on the lookout for the board nomination form this spring and consider stepping up for PennACE!
For a description of all board roles, please visit
Questions may be directed to Nicole Feldhues, PennACE Past President, at